What does attending NPCC mean to you?
I attend NPCC because I feel at home. The Pastor here leads with the Word of God – filling me when I’m empty or half-full. My Church Family is loving and welcomes those who come in. Anonymous
Worship God; Friendship; Fellowship; Spiritual Growth; Encouraging one another. CL
I come because it is a family that I have grown up with, that has strengthened me both physically and faithfully. Without the support and love from the church I don’t know where I would be today, or what kind of person I would have become. Anonymous
To Worship God and Fellowship with other believers. Anonymous
The church family was especially supportive to me in the death of my Mom and Dad. Good people to know and serve God with in Life. BR
NPCC is my life – I love being here, working here and most of all worshiping here. LR
Because I love the Lord and want to do what He wants me to. Anonymous
Why do I come to NPCC? Besides the obvious – you’re the pastor, I come because I have been blessed and have seen God move here in this church and His people. LR
Friends and Family doing life together. CB
A heritage that’s meaningful, expressed thru caring people. Anonymous
To learn more about God and I come for the fellowship. RR
My attendance here at NPCC is because I’m blessed to be here and also to show whose SIDE I’m on. MT
This Church is based on God’s Word. Anonymous
Because I feel like this is where I belong. PL
NPCC has been a blessing to me in worship, and time to come to the Lord and feel His presence. Anonymous
This is my Family. I love you all. RT
North Park Church is GREAT and we have a lot of fun here. Anonymous
Because this is my family and I know they care about me. Anonymous
I come because it’s been my whole life. My parents met here, so I’ve known a lot of special people here. Anonymous
We attend for a variety of reasons: Family History; Spiritual connection; Biblical knowledge growth. AL
To be closer to our Lord and understand His Word! Anonymous
God led our family here thru camp Maranatha and as a woman of faith and action I volunteer to help in the growth and membership of Souls for Him. VD
I come to NPCC because you have all always been my family. CS
It keeps my life stable with the joy of worship and fellowship. CW
I come to NPCC because: 1) I am fed and revived spiritually here – I connect with God. 2) It is my extended family and I love my brothers and sisters here. KS
It’s friendly and keeps me grounded and helps keep up my faith. MH